Episode 40: Gripe Water

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Way back in February of 2020, before the pandemic and before we had honed our sound quality, Jen and Diane recorded this episode about the origins of gripe water. So join us as we travel back in time (TWICE!) to remember when it was ok to give babies alcohol and when the biggest concern when visiting Disney World was whether or not your kid could withstand your favorite ride.

Photo taken through a reinforced glass nursery window at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in 1969.

Episode 32: Hospital Nurseries

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Throughout visual media, there are countless examples of the big window looking over a room of newborn, swaddles babies. The hospital nursery is a sight that most people are familiar with, but has really only been around since the early 20th century. Jen presents her findings into why they were created, some fascinating inventions to make them better serve the hospital community, and why they have become less popular in recent years.